Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Tummies and stuff

Bear has had a tummy bug for the last few days. She stayed home from school on Monday, but yesterday she went back. This morning, she said her tummy hurt, but she's a difficult one to read. It could (possibly) mean she felt sick, but could also mean she didn't want to go to school. See, she's a bit like a little old lady. She has no tolerance for pain. This applies to having her hair brushed, walking into the table, and life in general. So I gave her some Pepto and hoped for the best. Then she gagged on it and puked on my pillow. It was a very tiny amount of vomit. I cleaned it up, C made her some toast, and I brought her to school.

I don't feel great about this. She didn't have a fever and said she felt like she could go because today is the day she gets to put the last stamp on her chart. I have no idea what that means, but she was excited. And Nono didn't have the best of nights last night. Nono is usually great at sleeping. Ever since C convinced me that she would be fine in her own crib instead of in the Pack N Play about fifteen inches from my side of the bed, Nono has slept (or at least kept quiet) through most nights. In order to let her move into her own room, I told C we needed a video monitor. Our bedroom is upstairs, and Nono's is downstairs. So when we went to bed last night and turned on the monitor, I was surprised to see Nono sitting up with her thumb in her mouth. She was talking, but I think she was still asleep. She would stick her hands and feet through the bars on the crib sometimes. Then she would pretend to be sleeping. I don't think she actually slept for the rest of the night except for a couple of mini-naps. I didn't sleep too much either.

Yesterday was Nono's 11 month birthday, and I got a present. My period. Awesome. It is back for the first time since before I was pregnant (so I think my last one was in April of 2009). And it's a doozy. I should be happy that it stayed away for so long, but I'm just mad that it came back. Usually this causes my blood sugar (or my "number," as Bear calls it) to be all over the place, but so far it hasn't. I just checked it after taking a nap this morning and was pleasantly surprised to see 90. I thought it was going to be 200, because I feel stupid today. When I feel stupid, I'm usually high. Not like that, my number.

Tomorrow is a full day of medical crap. I have what is about my eighty millionth laser treatment on my right eye. Sometimes it hurts, and other times it isn't bad. I'm hoping for a not bad. Then later I'm supposed to be going for a kidney ultrasound. I don't know why, exactly. I went to a nephrologist the other day, just for fun (or because of the tons of protein I have been peeing out since Nono's immaculate conception) and although he told me I'm going to live forever if my kidneys don't get any worse, he still wants me to have the ultrasound. I'm hoping to hear that both of my kidneys are pregnant, and that in however many months they take to gestate I will have two new baby kidneys. Yeah, I now. Ultrasound humor? Hey, whatever works.

I don't think any of my many doctors realize what it takes to get me to an appointment. For my eye stuff, someone needs to take a day off to bring me. Either my mom or C has to use their time off to drive me to the guy who torches my eyes. They have to watch Nono while the torture is being done. Then if it's an afternoon appointment, someone has to be on call to pick Bear up from school in case we have to wait 12 hours at the doctor's office. We usually do. And then everyone has to put up with me as I whine about the fact that I can't see shit, and that my head hurts.

So tomorrow, C is taking the day off to watch Nono in the waiting room while I get lasered. And my grandmother will be on call to pick Bear up if need be. Then they will drop me off at the hospital for the kidneysound which will probably take forever and show nothing.

I'm sorry that sounds negative, I really's just frustrating.

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