After a decent start, my attempt to blog got sidetracked. Oops. I'm committed to giving it another try.
What I really want to talk about is diabetes, and how it shapes my life. But first it is important to talk about the other stuff (which, of course, causes the stress that screws up the diabetes). It's all related.
My older daughter has been having some trouble lately. She is doing really well in school, as usual. Her teacher has nothing but nice things to say about her, and she has lots of friends. She plays sports, she does her homework, she helps me at home. But something has been off lately, and I can't really figure out what is going on or how to help her. It's like she is always sad. She is a very, very sensitive kid (some people might call her whiny, but that isn't really true). She can't stand hot water. She hates having her hair brushed because she thinks it hurts. She cries if she thinks I speak to her in a different voice than usual. She was beside herself after school the other day because the substitute teacher told one of her classmates that she needed to stop talking or she would lose five minutes of recess. It had absolutely nothing to do with my daughter, but it still really bothered her. I have tried so hard to talk to her, support her, help her express her emotions...but it isn't working. I called her doctor, but didn't get much help there. It certainly stresses me out. I don't want my 6 year old to feel like all the problems of the world are hers to deal with.
My baby is now 16 months old. I'm not sure how that happened, but she is a complete toddler now. She is into everything, and no cabinet or countertop is safe when she is around. She is also the happiest baby I have ever met. She is delighted to play by herself or with anyone. She is much more physical than her sister, and much more laid back. But she requires a lot of time and patience.
I absolutely adore both of my girls. I do get exhausted.
My husband has been working more and more lately. He is constantly traveling, training people, and being good at what he does. Unfortunately, that makes me have a lot of overtime here at home. I don't get out often enough. I have to deal with the kids by myself. I kind of feel underappreciated. I say that knowing that it is a gift to be able to be at home with the kids, and that he works so hard and so much to support this family. I just miss my husband. I miss adult interaction in general. And yesterday was Mother's Day...I didn't get a card. He printed out something from the computer saying I could go get a massage somewhere and he would pay for it...and that is really nice. I would love a massage. But with his only day off being Sunday, there really isn't anywhere to go. I don't have anyone to watch the kids at any other time. And scheduling it myself kind of takes the pampering out of it.
That's all I have time for right now, but I will be back tomorrow with results from my endo appointment, an update on my eyes, and some thoughts on Metformin.